Austin Families Association of America Logo
Austin Families Association of America
Volunteer for AFAOA
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Editors needed!

We are very short of people to serve as Editors. We have 70 databases currently being serviced by 11 Editors. One editor is responsible for 20 databases, one is responsible for 9 databases. The rest are spread among the remaining 9 Editors. We need more volunteers to pick up one or more in order to unload the others.

Historically, the best person to be an editor is an Austin researcher that has assembled a record of his or her Austin family. You should be well practiced in research, documentation, and history of this family. Your main task is to accept or reject inputs received from people using our website, and to answer queries about this database. You will also attempt to provide corrections or additions, or identify mistakes in the database, which helps to keep it current.

A more detailed description of the Editor's job may be found here.

Last Updated: 17 February 2021   [Located in Category: Database]
Seeking Bloggers

AFAOA is seeking people to write blog posts about once a month. These posts should be about Austin (all spellings) research or general genealogical research techniques. They may not be ads for a particular website or product, nor may they be commercial in nature. You must be a member in good standing to create blog posts.

Last Updated: 17 February 2021   [Located in Category: Website]